Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You Go Ahead And Fight The Liberal/Conservative Fight

While we obsess about the old labels of right, left, conservative, liberal, et al, here in America, the rest of the world, both developed and developing, is focused on the future:
The idea of America through an Indian lens

I'm with the rest of the world on this issue.  Political infighting gets us nowhere fast.  If you want America stuck in a rut until 2012, you'll get your wish.

Let's put the past behind us, teach our children to value practical/technical skills rather than watch us being examples of complaining and whining about what's wrong with this country.

Lots of business opportunities out there, if we're willing to look and maybe change career paths every once in a while.

Education is a lifelong process.  Laurels of past victories fade quickly, turning to dust before our eyes.  When the game or race changes, you've got to learn new skills or nurture old/new talents to win.

It doesn't have to be EUSA vs. BRIC vs. AFRASIA.

Seven billion strong, I tell you.  That's all.

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