Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Two Subcontinental Peas in a Pod

The dried redbud seed pod outside the window told me I am the manifest projection of the seedpod's need to reproduce.  Nothing more and nothing less.

I feel better now, demystified and debunked on a daily basis.  What more can I ask for?
Biocentrism: it's all in the perspective of the disbeliever

Of course, I can't sell a seed pod real estate or soybean futures so what is any of the science or philosophy of objective nonconscious observations going to do for my investment portfolio?

Keep me entertained by the multiverse of opinions, of course.

Until a member of our species is not a member of our species and can report what the universe is like outside our species to our species (yes, the illogically logical tautology is there on purpose), we have the faith in subjectively objective science to help us improve life as we know it for our species, our culture, our subcultures, our niches, and ourselves.

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