Thought for this morning: decreased solar activity leads to warming words, which make us reconstruct, socially, our radical views of the world.
I'm too bored today to think more about these subjects.
Perhaps the Wayans brothers could write a movie script about the goofiness and infighting of the scientific world?
I look forward to seeing the people reap what they voted for. Some say it's rats fighting over who gets to stand atop a sinking ship. I say the tide is turning and we aren't sure if it's really rising or falling in relation to what we called historic changes.
C'est la vie, my little chickadees, c'est la vie.
Better mail your overseas holiday packages early this season. Election year politics is putting a squeeze on shipping. Are you going to be the one to foot the bill, covering the costs of terror prevention security measures...again? How many billions in cost overruns will it take to detect the next version of a printer cartridge bomb?
Did we not claim that the space/defense race was a primary factor in defeating the communist political entity called the Soviet Union? Would it be too far of a stretch to see others are trying to do the same to us by driving up our nonprofitable costs of living with cheap acts of terrorism?
My brain is not awake or I'm too bored today to think more about these subjects.
All I care about is the bottom line. What is one life worth? Will our species gain or lose by our actions? How can we predict the future where more of our social/ecocological systems benefit than don't?
How does all of this fit into the untranslatable story of Earth I'm composing for an unknown readership?
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