Saturday, November 6, 2010

Old-Fashioned Cost-Benefit Analysis

Another use for understanding our rewriting history, as you've seen - how many and for what reason did/do people die?

Ones, tens, thousands, millions - we've watched movements that "took" lives at these levels.

Wars, famines, diseases and natural disasters - any and all of the above.

We die. Do we die an individual death or in connection with something bigger than ourselves?

Do we say something like WWII was a tragedy or the occasional price we pay for drastic change, well worth the price?

What is one death worth? One act of random kindness?

Are we humbled and dismissive when people thank us but just as quick to give abundant praise, despite objections that it was no big deal?

Can we see more than one view at once objectively?

How many sons and daughters takes it take to change a lightbulb for an Irish mother? Don't worry yourself over it, my kind, loving and overworked children, say the mother, I can sit here in the dark all by my lonesome like I do of every evening when you're not here to help me in these long, cold winter nights with nothing but a turf fire to warm my heart.

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