Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is Angelina Jolie the new Roger Moore of spy movies?

Remember those backwater years of James Bond movies when the caricature known as Roger Moore kept the franchise going?  Nuff sed.

Imagine owning a cockatiel (or rather, it owning you) for 21 years, the bird turning little cardboard boxes into homes complete with chewed-out windows to stare at you.

Congrats to all the runners - the DNFs, winners and finishers - who ran the Rocket City Marathon course today; especially the ones who overcame personal adversity - pain, injury, etc.  Relatively warm for this time of year just before the cold and rain/snow sweep through.

Good to see familiar faces in the Holiday Inn, including Abdul and other hotel employees, Kris and the ham radio operators/comm team/timekeepers, Virginia College students, emergency/police personnel and fellow food volunteers led by Jim.

Thanks to Publix, Brueggers, Dole and Atlanta Bread Company; runners' support/family; the person who said he's going to play Santa Claus early and give some of the leftover food to random homeless people.

Checked the Book of the Future this afternoon - a new forecast is almost ready for broadcast.  Even I, as jaded as I am right now, can't believe what's going to happen next.  Surprised?  No.  Basically amazed.

Oh, and a shoutout to UT.

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