Broke the first one when I tried to jump over a barbed wire fence, caught a shoe, fell over and smashed the bones in my left hand. I was ten years old.
The second one's been around for a few years, hanging out between the bones of my right hand. It sort of tells me the weather.
It's about to get cold again.
Reminds me I'm gettin' lazy in my writin', too.
All the brainpower on this planet and we still spend most of our time looking for food and other survival necessities.
Technology wizards will regale you with the PopSci promises of tomorrow. I can't seem to stop 'em.
Business gurus will continue to win friends and influence people.
Tower builders will build taller and taller towers.
Is there an echo in here?
The fellow down the road at the post office showed me how to cut my shipping costs in two.
What exactly is a sport bean?
Julia in Moscow said I wander from subject to subject and asked me why. I asked her why she was Russian. No difference.
The thought process is the thought process, is it not?
Why would Spiegel article [and translation] end this way:
Die "trivialen Medienauftritte" des Präsidenten, lästert Joshua Greenman in der "Daily News", "haben die Marke Obama herabgewürdigt". Es ist eine uralte Kritik, aber genau das Gegenteil ist jetzt der Fall: Nur so kann Obama sich selbst und die Nation dem düsteren Bann der humorlosen Tea-Party-Antihelden entziehen.
Doch die lustigste Sequenz der "Daily Show" stirbt am Ende sowieso am Schneidetisch. Es ist Stewarts bissiger Begrüßungsmonolog, in dem er Obama auf die Schippe nimmt, der tatenlos hinter der Kulisse warten muss. Der Einstieg wird aber für die später ausgestrahlte Version gestrichen - aus Zeitgründen.
[The "trivial media appearances" of the president, Joshua Greenman blasphemes in the "Daily News", "have degraded the brand Obama". It is an ancient criticism, but the opposite is the case now: the only way Obama himself and deprive the nation of the dark spell of the humorless Tea Party anti-heroes.
But the funniest sequence of the "Daily Show" dies in the end anyway at the editing table. It is Stewart's sarcastic greeting monologue in which he takes the mickey out of Obama, who must wait passively behind the scenes. The entry is deleted but for later broadcast version - lack of time.]
From: Von Pomp zu Pappmaché, Von Marc Pitzke, New York,,1518,725769,00.html, accessed 28th October 2010 [Translation via,1518,725769,00.html&prev=_t&]
This is my life, where comedy and tragedy continue their ageless witticisms from the balcony to the balustrades to the benchwarmers and first string players.
Meanwhile, I have to figure out how to connect all the world's supercomputers to regenerate the Book of the Future that I sold to a homeless person who wanted the pencil shavings to start a fire under the downtown river bridge. What was I sinking?
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