Monday, October 18, 2010

I'd Rather Be Wrong Than Dead

Watching the Titans win tonight with only a minor slate of injuries reported, basking in Munster's victory this weekend, and wondering about the upsets in top 25 college football, I pause to consider Jupiter and the Moon.

No special reason.  Just 'cause I can.

See what I'm saying?

I don't have to be right.  I only want to learn from you, my fellow members of what we call our species, what we consider worth considering.

If you say you're practicing the commandments and following the tenets of a religion, I'll believe you and will want to read the primary documents that teach you what you're supposed to be doing when you practice and follow.

I can't read your mind.  I'm a behaviourist at heart - I read your intent through your actions, including the emotions you express that you say you feel.

We're one big family so I react according to family-style training - respect the learned opinions of your elders, support the sick, and teach the young.

In the meantime, I'm composing the story that tells the history of this planet, all our civilisations a tiny dot along the timeline, the mere start of the Anthrocene (or Anthropocene) period.

How do you tell an Earth-sized story without using the communication method, the language, of a newcomer species?

How do you explain religion in terms that universally speaks to all living, feeling beings?

It's twisting my poor ol' brain into a pretzel, that's what all this rewriting of the act of communicating is doing to me.

And I'm supposed to compose five of these epic tales?

Glad I have the assistance of all seven billion of us.

Like this opinion about morals without an omniscient head of religion.  Is fairness universal?  Is it coded in our combination of states of energy?  Why do some animals care for their young?  Why do any creatures reproduce?

Je ne sais pas.  Je ne connais pas.

I will complete at least one of my books about this small part of the solar system, even if it depletes my whole thinking/feeling process to do so, knowing that the act of communicating itself is not universal, let alone the style/format.

Look at the known states of what we call the universe and tell me if knowledge is more important than action.  Now tell me how I'm supposed to express your opinion universally.

See what I'm saying?

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