Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Adequate Aqueduct

Inactual fact. Factual in act. Inexact expostfacto.

The storyline wants to say that next the invading Mexican gangs will kidnap children of poor Hispanic-Americans and train them to be assassins; kidnap children of wealthy Hispanic-Americans and hold them for ransom - no ransom, then the assassins get to work in their invisible job roles.

But that's just the storyline talking.

You know that storylines have their own invisible lives, of course.

UFOs are just as convenient as deities to explain disjointed time sequences.

Conspiracies are easy to concoct on a slow news day.

Keep the masses entertained, distracted, focused on substantial inconsequentialities.

Make believe that votes matter in well-entrenched political policies.

Hidden piles of cash and liquid assets somewhere close.

What do you do with a leaf pile?

Surprise 'em with sudden plot twists, thoughtful questions, quick view of the Sun on a cloudy day, charitably generous villains, imperfect heroes, complex simpletons, and hints/clues that you know more about every individual reader than any author before you.

The ideal e-story changes with real life circumstances surrounding the reader. Product placement is replaced with family/friends/colleagues/associates inserted into the romance/war/spy/comic book that borders on roleplaying game scenario setups.

We read the same story that's not the same.

The life of "The Game" is the game of life. Our spouses and significant others are instantly more intriguing than we ever could imagine.

It started with the first leather sinew, flint tool, clay pot, abacus and cloth weave.

Racks of relays and breadboarded garage designs.

Prosthetic limbs and augmented reality.

The mental companion called self.

Maples and aspens.

Volcano guardians and grainkeepers.

It - this neverendingmomentofselfdiscovery - continues unabated.

You are no longer you (you never were but we've covered that issue already). You are the green screen actor of your filmed-in-real-time life.

Background check company competitors are scrambling to accommodate new legal definitions of multifaceted lives living at the same time in one sane (not clinically insane borderline/multipersonality*) person, because our online personae with online personae [repeat ad naseum] make us as much if not more money than the offline one(s).

*Functional ones of these - your gardenvariety ego/megalomaniacs - don't need background checks to succeed.

So you can see more closely that all is no longer what it seems.

Writing the epic that is your life of one in seven billion changes the rules as it changes the rules as it goes along trying to write itself before it never existed afterward.

All in the attempt to create the universal interface/parameters/hooks/strings/molecules/states of energy to connect with any and all entities/beings/crafts/cultures/states of energy unimaginable.

If I can explain to a tapeworm living in the balmy water next to a deepwater underground steam vent the purpose of the glass-and-metal structure that I call a patio furniture set under a pile of freshly-fallen leaves on the back deck in front of me right now, then I might, as a comparatively-similar tapeworm, understand more advanced/complicated forms of living elsewhere, and vice versa.

Make people think and they might change their insane ways of living.

Might is right.


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