Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Dusty. Fly eggs. Yard cart.

Redheaded woodpecker. Thrush. Wren.

Dried ironweed stalks.

Life is humour. Take your humour seriously.

Rewind and replay occasionally.

Reanalyse recursively.

Observe the qigong on the runway.

Pit the pits.

Spot the top.

Or stipulate.

Who is the biggest stakeholder - the player endangering his personal marketing value or the owner losing his team's value on the market? Whose agent gains/loses the most - the coach's or the player's? Do officially licensed merchandisers have a say in the penalty process?

Do you know the worth of one CPU cycle? Do you optimise or are you an optimist?

In this political boundary, a need for wiser/assertive environmental conservation in the form of the Forever Wild renewal. A nobrainer but still a use of brain cycles, nonetheless.

A request to find a "cure" for leukemia. Can't get my 10-year old friend back but might save others the pain and anguish of medical procedures and loss.

I assume I am ignorant and try to disprove my assumptions. All I can do is test theories, never completely sure that water freezes at the same temperature every time I want to chill out.

Stacked chairs. Paper racks. Motorcycle trailers. Short socks. Propane lighter. Battery charger. Virginia creeper. Beekeeping.

Eco's lists and grandparents. Waiting lists and grand staircases.

I sold the future I had so I could develop an alternate future. What the buyers do with the future they think they own is out of my hands (and out of their reach, but they'll find that out soon enough, my having warned any potential buyers here for a long time that knowing the future buys you nothing).

Some knowledge is interesting but not useful to me. The narrative of this solar system contains the movement and recombination of states of energy - the fluid, dynamic interchange of sunlight reflecting off a canvas carryall, for instance. Should I spend time describing the many possibilities such a scene means?

I am a storyteller. I listen to other life tales and look for significance - nothing is simple because everything is connected.

This is my world, my home, my people, my storyboard.

I don't need statements or facts. The absence of meaning tells me more than I need to know.

The new future is here before us, like a mountain covered by a forest.

I held back the future to watch the reactions of a few. Now that I know their true intentions, I'm letting the future jump forward a little faster.

Hang on to your seats. The ride's bumpy for a while but don't worry - the future's right there waiting for us like always.

In the big picture, there are no surprises. Every action has an explanation that makes sense to someone. Randomness is a luxury illusion.

Are you prepared for a future with no labels?

If you can't take a lighthearted approach, I can't help you pass on by.

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