Have you ever shot an arrow from an orbiting space platform?
You see, my marketing staff is busy compiling all the activities you can, you shouldn't, you must and you can't do while working/playing in a space hotel.
After all, it won't be long before dozens and then hundreds of people will enjoy one another's company in the spartan luxury high in the Earth's atmosphere.
Including, of course, support staff.
Now, as most of you know who've worked in the support industry, there's downtime to consider.
Some support staff will fly with their guests while others will stay onboard to maintain continuity and fix stuff that inevitably breaks.
So, with that in mind, my marketing staff wants to define leisure activities that'll appeal to people in between periods of work and sleep.
Of course, we're using all the latest tech-savvy tools to figure out what we need to design and test over the next few years.
We'll keep you posted.
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