We test and tweak and tear apart.
Setting up the initiating points and fuzzy, general areas where we want the second part of the current phase to appear as if it appeared apparitionally, we planted GPS tracking devices on vehicles and personages (some in parsonages).
The data from these devices help us determine the types of personalities likely to react rather than act, act without requiring reaction, or wait for something that will never appear/happen.
Vehicles, for example: a Camry with tag 97931AY that speeds up and follows a faster driver; an auto with tag S 2137A, acting as if on official business while disobeying posted limits, creating a chain of events no one will ever connect, despite historical significance.
Persons: the shopper who was allowed to swap price tags and will be called on to betray family/friends; the person who anonymously cleaned a disabled elder's house and will be duly rewarded anonymously to improve general economic conditions.
We can get seduced into believing our effect on the future and forget how to live right now.
"I told you so" is a phrase born out of narcissistic vanity.
Individuals do not exist. Every moment should teach us that all is all and nothing else.
We are the reflections of those who are reflecting those who reflect.
The phrase should be, "On further reflection..." and lead into one's secure place in family, subculture, culture and universe.
I believe I am me but I know better.
We carry one image of self augmented by constantly-changing extensions of self.
But self does not exist. It is many things, instead, but only one thing to those who think individually - may be a soul that belongs to heaven or hell; a temporary manifestation of a god's thought; states of energy.
We cannot erase seven billion thought sets but we can occasionally show the crowd the scaffolding and propaganda that creates the illusion of self within one's acceptable surroundings that one often believes is the true way to live.
Then, we go on from there together - attached to this planet for many more decades.
If the flow of water stopped, what would you do? If your monetary system suddenly disappeared, how would you exchange labour or investment credits for goods and services? If food was no longer available at any price, what would you be willing to eat?
What if one item fromabove was left and could feed one of two, would you sacrifice yourself or the other person?
Would you like to see how many of your daily actions lead to others being sacrificed for you?
Or how your death is the result of others sacrificing you?
Let's find out, shall we?
Maybe a universally-accessible database of tracking device info comparing the vehicle's actions to local laws as well as summary records of the driver's emotional conditions and level of paying attention to the road - daily offenders will be automatically cited and publicly arrested at inconvenient times in their lives.
Set examples for others.
Remove a few pebbles from disturbing the serenity of the pond.
No exceptions.
No more special privileges.
A small demonstration first...
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