Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Learning to Let Go

While China continues to show it can't play fairly ("we'll take all your money while we influence your domestic buying habits but we won't let you get involved in our 'internal' affairs"), republican lawmakers are laughing all the way to 2012, realizing that democratic holdouts will allow the republicanites to pass delayed legislation after the changeover in 2011 and then claim the taxcut extension bill they voted for is the sole reason the economy improved before the 2012 presidential elections, proving "tax and spend" democratic archetypes are dinosaurs.

I heard someone say, "Nixon resigned over less damaging data than the stuff Assange's group recently released.  Does that mean Nixon can recover his reputation by comparison?"

We live in interesting times, no matter how repetitive.

Cohorts are pushing me to show them what the next great thing is.

I will but it's not an instantaneous burst of product sales.

Apparently, one effort in converting social media into a cradle-to-grave education system supplanting rote learning methods in traditional classrooms is sneaking up on us - those who prove its capabilities will profit first but those who marketise it best will profit the most by creating a personality mesh sensing algorithm that detects the deficiencies in one's talent/skill mix and redirects one's social media connections to reinforce stronger lifelong healthy habits.

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